Testing and Segmentation Tips for Effective Email Marketing

emailchart1If you’ve been sending the same email messages to your list and have noticed a decline in performance, it might be time to consider a few changes to reignite the response.

Simple A/B testing can identify elements within the email campaign that can be improved or adjusted to boost overall performance. These changes can optimize your content and jump start your marketing efforts.

Here are some good examples of things you can test within your email marketing strategy:

  • Message subject lines: Shorter vs. Longer? Question vs. Urgency?
  • Text copy: Wording, fonts, headline, length
  • Design elements: Colors, images, buttons, layout
  • Send time: Afternoon vs. Morning?
  • List segmentation: Location, activity, time zone
  • Call-to-action: Wording, placement, size, visibility
  • Day of send: Weekday vs. Weekend?

You can also add personal customizations like First Name and Birthday messages to provide additional relevancy. If you’re sending clicks to a landing page, be sure to test elements on there as well.

Whether you’re looking at one item or larger, multi-layered changes, testing can keep your email content fresh, relevant, and better positioned for continued success. Even minor changes can have a big impact, but you’ll never know unless you test.