What’s new?
With this update, Form Builder reports now include key performance indicators (KPIs) by form with stats for new subscribers, updates and unsubscribes. Marketers using Form Builder will be able to measure the performance of forms and act on the data to improve customer response.
With access to Stats now available directly from the form list, a marketer can view details:
- Total number of times subscribers signed up successfully via a specific form
- Percentage of visitors that signed up or abandoned a form
- The time stamp of last subscriber sign up
How far back will these statistics go? KPIs are available for up to three years. As Form Builder was made available in mid-2014, initially KPIs will only be visible back to the point when a form was created.
What does “abandonment” measure? Abandonment reflects the case of visitors who view the page, but do not follow through to submit the form.