A recent study by ComScore shows that mobile users in the United States are big fans of mobile apps. According to the study, four out of every five minutes spent on smartphones are with apps. When it comes to specific apps, Facebook appears to be leading the way in popularity and […]
How To Fix White Gaps Between Images In Email Designs
Have you ever noticed white border issues when creating image-heavy email designs? A lot of email platforms will take an image-heavy design and break up the image quadrants to expose a white gap. This extra spacing can ruin the flow and appearance of the design and lead to rendering issues. […]
By Adam On In Blog, Email, Email Marketing
Readmore....64% of TV Viewers Recognize Social Media Symbols in Commercials
Social Media is rapidly becoming an important part of TV commercials, and the combination doesn’t appear to be turning away viewers. In a recent survey of U.S. television viewers by Accenture, 64% said they recognized social media symbols and calls to action in various commercial advertisements. Among those who were […]
By Adam On In Blog, Social Media
Readmore....How To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile For Success
LinkedIn is often regarded as the best social media site for businesses and working professionals. No matter what industry or field you work in, having a high-quality LinkedIn profile and a solid foundation of connections can be an enormous asset in expanding your professional knowledge and exposure. However, a lot […]
By Adam On In Blog, LinkedIn, Social Media
Readmore....Pinterest Is Now The Third Most Popular U.S. Social Network
Facebook and Twitter are the two most popular social networks in the U.S., but Pinterest has established itself as the third most popular social network, and its growth doesn’t appear to be slowing anytime soon. New data from shareaholic.com shows that Pinterest was responsible for 1.05% of all referral traffic in […]
By Adam On In Blog, Pinterest, Social Media
Readmore....3 Tips For Getting Started On Twitter
There are all kinds of strategies for how to use Twitter for business depending on your industry or goals. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind as you’re getting started with your profile and growth strategies on the social network. Humanize Fill out your profile There is […]
By Adam On In Blog, Social Media, Twitter
Readmore....Google+ Business Page User Engagement Peaks On Wednesdays Around 10am [STUDY]
It seems companies have had mixed levels of success with Google+ so far. However, that hasn’t discouraged other companies from jumping on board and trying out the social network for themselves. While the average amount of time spent on Google+ has decreased recently, many brands are still having success driving […]
By Adam On In Blog, Social Media
Readmore....Paramount Blog
Welcome to the Paramount Communication Group blog! We’ll soon be posting tips, tricks and news items related to Email Marketing, Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Foursquare and more. We hope you will find our content interesting and helpful.
By Adam On In Uncategorized
Readmore....Why Paramount?
Since 2005, we have helped publishers, associations, and non-profit organizations use email, social media, and digital strategies to reach constituents in an effective, affordable manner.
We provide solutions to successfully drive your business into the future of eMarketing.